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Monday, January 24, 2005

In Response to your comments

Had some feedback (GREAT!) on my most recent post ... and I'll have to admit it and eat a little crow. "Don't Call Us ... We'll Call You" was a pretty one-sided post - it's those darn Finnish, they get me every time.

The point was made that I "left no room for debate" but what would you have me do, debate myself?

The debate comes from you - the reader - and hopefully the comments you post. The more you post, the more we debate.

My pledge is that I'll always post comments (unless they're vulgar) and I'll always take the time to respond and keep the debate going.

Fair enough?

For all those who like the earlier post "Worth a thousand words..." here's a little more info. on the picture of President Bush hugging the girl:

Her name is Ashley Faulkner and she lost her mom on 9-11. Bush was at a campaign stop in Ohio and walked passed her until a friend of Ashley's yelled to the President that she'd lost her mom. He turned around and gave her a hug. Ashley's Dad snapped this photo and then posted it on the internet, where it took off.

The Bush/Cheney team never "used" the photo ... although other groups did in support of Bush.

I believe it's a genuine moment in politics - and unfortunately a rare one at that.

Thanks for the comments, folks. Keep 'em coming.

If the 2008 Republican presidential primary were held today, whom would you support if the candidates are:
George Allen
Jeb Bush
Bill Frist
Newt Gingrich
Rudy Giuliani
Chuck Hagel
John McCain
Bill Owens
George Pataki
Condoleezza Rice
Mitt Romney
Rick Santorum
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