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Monday, January 10, 2005


I wasn't planning on writing my blog on this topic, after all the CBS frenzy is tempting, but then I read this...

"Don't cheerleaders all over America form pyramids six to eight times a year. Is that torture?"

Ponder this profound thought for a moment.

Now in terms of the Abu Ghraib prison abuse, it was disgusting, regrettable, the work of a reckless and morally destitute few, and those responsible should (and are being) dealt with swiftly.

It was degrading, but I believe it was not torture.

Having said that, Guy Womack's (Attorney for Charles Graner, the "ring leader" of the abuses) reference to cheerleaders in his opening remarks shows such a disconnect with common sense that it defies all logic.

Here is another example of a lawyer with absolutely no moral compass or common sense.

Dennis Prager often speaks on this issue ... law students go into law school thinking like the rest of us - in terms of right and wrong, good and bad etc. - they come out of law school thinking only in terms of legal and illegal.

Now, there are exceptions, but by-and-large it seems the more formal education people receive, the less common sense they retain. And law school does an exceptional job of stripping the logic from a person.

The Left have a harder time holding onto their morality because, let's face it, you don't have to think to be a Lefty, you just have to feel. This is why academia is populated with Liberals.

The Right, by contrast, relies more heavily on reason and logic to arrive at a conclusion, instead of feelings. That's why the Left calls them cold hearted - if they have hearts at all - and lacking in compassion.

It's a shame, because we need to hold a real debate on the issue of what constitutes appropriate measures in military prisons ... not the partisan "lynching" Democrats are trying to orchestrate in the confirmation hearings of Alberto Gonzales.

But the Left - full of emotion - is unable to talk calmly and logically about the issue, and acknowledge that there are times when "less than savory" actions are necessary to force prisoners to talk and possibly save lives.

Mr. Womack's comments though should dismay Left and Right ... and prompt us all to wonder what exactly goes on in our law schools.

If the 2008 Republican presidential primary were held today, whom would you support if the candidates are:
George Allen
Jeb Bush
Bill Frist
Newt Gingrich
Rudy Giuliani
Chuck Hagel
John McCain
Bill Owens
George Pataki
Condoleezza Rice
Mitt Romney
Rick Santorum
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