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Sunday, January 09, 2005

Who Will Lead?

One political race that few pay attention to, but that will have implications on 2008 is the race for the DNC Chair ... Democrats need to find direction and they need a leader who will provide it.

Conventional wisdom says that their choice - made at the DNC's February meeting - will shape their Party and indirectly their eventual Nominee.

There are really only three main candidates:

Howard Dean, the Outsider, who wants to come in and play.

Wellington Webb, DNC Vice-Chair and former Mayor of Denver.

Tim Roemer, former Congressman from Indiana.

debate08's money is on Dean ... the DNC leader's main focus will be on raising money, an art Dean showed considerable skill in during the early days of the 2004 primary. Dean also has a large and loyal following; although they were following Outsider Dean, it's still to be determined if they'll follow him into the lion's den.

But with Dean, Republicans have more to love than fear.

Dean raised his primary money by positioning himself firmly on the Left flank of the Left.

His legendary anti-war, anti-Bush, anti-Washington rants are seldom discussed now only because of his infamous last burst (AAAaaaarrrggghh!!) after a momentum-ending 3rd place finish in Iowa.

So, follow the logic (or lack thereof): Bush hangs his re-election hopes on the War on Terrorism and specifically the front in Iraq; Bush wins decisively with close to 61 million votes and so the Democrat-elite select the anti-war candidate to re-tool, re-shape, and become the "face" of the Party.

Make sense? I don't get.

But please, don't listen to me ... pick Dean in February.


~~ Numbers Don't Lie ~~

Bush's 61 million is the highest vote total a Presidential candidate has ever received, ever. (And yet the country is apparently divided like never before?)

Clinton rec'd 44 million in 1992; 47 million four years later
Gore rec'd 51 million in 2000 (to Bush's slightly less tally)

And for you Deaniacks who'd like to relive the infamous Scream. Enjoy.

If the 2008 Republican presidential primary were held today, whom would you support if the candidates are:
George Allen
Jeb Bush
Bill Frist
Newt Gingrich
Rudy Giuliani
Chuck Hagel
John McCain
Bill Owens
George Pataki
Condoleezza Rice
Mitt Romney
Rick Santorum
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