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Friday, February 04, 2005

Unofficial launch of Rice Presidential campaign...?

Dr. Rice, Bush's new Secretary of State - the first African American woman to ever hold the post - set out yesterday on her first official trip to Europe ... an 8 day, 10 city stop.

I see this as her first day on the Presidential campaign trail.

Hillary will undoubtedly run in 2008 - she's the best shot for Democrats. And Republicans will have to bring the best they've got if they want to hold onto the White House. Rice is that candidate. Her record and resume are unmatched, her integrity is unparalleled, she's fierce, articulate, intelligent, and - of course - a Black woman.

Bush, in selecting Rice for Secretary of State recognizes not only her incredible talent in foreign relations, but also the need to get her out from behind the gates of the White House and into the media - and public - eye. If she's to stand a chance against Hillary, who'll be in front of the cameras more and more as her pseudo-term as NY Senator continues (it's really a presidential campaign using NY taxpayer money), Rice will have to increase her visibility. As Secretary of State she can do just that.

Ironically, while Bush in 2000 was strong on domestic issues and weak on foreign policy, Rice will be just the opposite. She has the management qualifications for sure - Provost of Stanford University and now running the huge State Department - but on most, if not all, domestic issues her opinions are unknown.

And over the next four years we'll hear little from Rice on these domestic issues as she fulfills her role as the Bush-spokesperson across the globe, articulately his foreign policy agenda.

The Rice Presidential Camp will, in early 2007, have to address this perceived weakness.

But perhaps it will NOT be a weakness. Think about it: On social security, on tax reform, education, health care etc. etc. Rice is a clean slate. She's not on-the-record on any of these issues, and that will give her the flexibility to shape her views in the best political way without worrying about previous statements.

So the stage is set and the players are moving into position. It will be a battle of epic proportions ... Hillary v. Rice.

Oh, boy it's gonna be good.

If the 2008 Republican presidential primary were held today, whom would you support if the candidates are:
George Allen
Jeb Bush
Bill Frist
Newt Gingrich
Rudy Giuliani
Chuck Hagel
John McCain
Bill Owens
George Pataki
Condoleezza Rice
Mitt Romney
Rick Santorum
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