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Monday, January 24, 2005

Yellow ribbons have some seeing red...

The Blogosphere is ablaze tonight with the issue of the Support the Troops yellow ribbons and the University of Oregon.

The U. of O. demanded that an ex-military employee remove a yellow ribbon from his maintenance vehicle … a vehicle owned by the University.

Conservative blogs have weighed in calling the position “disgusting” and an attack on the Bill of Rights.

But, I’m not buying it...

Don’t get me wrong. There has been no more a destructive movement, in my opinion, than the Liberal take-over of the University’s in America. Ex-60’s hippies, disillusioned with the post-Vietnam world, opted for the warm and cozy life of academia. And while there, they have infected schools and generations of kids who walk their halls with their “war is not the answer”, “give peace a chance”, “America is the evil one” drivel.

But, here’s the rub: The University owns the vehicle. The employee has no more of a right to place a support the troops ribbon on the University’s property, than the school has the right to place an anti-war ribbon on his belongings.

Do I “support” the University position? No. Do I like it? Of course not.

But this is not an attack on the Bill of Rights. It’s a lack of decency in a time of war when men and women are risking their lives. Perhaps "disgusting" is an accurate description.

If the 2008 Republican presidential primary were held today, whom would you support if the candidates are:
George Allen
Jeb Bush
Bill Frist
Newt Gingrich
Rudy Giuliani
Chuck Hagel
John McCain
Bill Owens
George Pataki
Condoleezza Rice
Mitt Romney
Rick Santorum
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