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Tuesday, August 02, 2005

We are at ... struggle ...?

One of the more nonsensical bumper stickers I see driving the streets of Los Angeles is the simple blue print on white background "War is not the answer" sticker - popular with Volvo and Saab drivers with no tees on ... I've often wanted to ask the driver, Well, what is the answer? But, alas, I lack the courage to confront such stupid, bumper sticker logic.

But our Commander in Chief has no such lack of courage! He has heard the silent question of thousands of bumper stickers and said, Yes, you're right, war is not the answer.

So, no longer will the United States be engaged in a "War on Terrorism". Now we're fighting a "Global Struggle Against Violent Extremism." Yes, your eyes do not deceive my fearless comrades, it stands for G-SAVE.

God SAVE us from the madness, more like it. And I suppose we should ignore the fact that on the White House Web site today, under Major Speeches is a link to the Presidents Commencement Address to the Naval Academy called "War on Terror."

Now, I'm not one for acronyms (although I'm involved in the NNA, the AHA, enjoy the YMCA, am member of AAA, celebrate the demise of the AFL-CIO and hold a BA) ... but I digress.

I did think it would be fun though to come up with some alternatives to G-SAVE, as I think it's a stupid name. But of course, the cutting edge writers at the Contra Costa Times beat me to it.

They offer the following worthy choices:

Moderates' Efforts Seeking Security (MESS)
Worldwide Initiative Mandating Peace (WIMP)

I guess we know where the Times stands in the Yeah Bush!/Boo Bush! debate.

But what say you? Give me your best acronyms ... keep them clean, of course, this is a family-friendly show and extra brownies for who ever comes up with a name with the acronym QUAGMIRE.

If the 2008 Republican presidential primary were held today, whom would you support if the candidates are:
George Allen
Jeb Bush
Bill Frist
Newt Gingrich
Rudy Giuliani
Chuck Hagel
John McCain
Bill Owens
George Pataki
Condoleezza Rice
Mitt Romney
Rick Santorum
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