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Saturday, July 23, 2005

Arnie's Crash & Burn in the CA Heat

As if it isn't hot enough in California these days, we're seeing one of the more spectacular "crash and burn" jobs by a politician in recent memory... and as hot as I am sitting here in my non-air condition apartment, it's nothing like the heat on Arnie.

During a conference call yesterday, Governor Schwarzenegger and his top advisors discussed whether to pull the plug on the highly touted November 8 Special Election.

It was supposed to be the crowning achievement of Arnold's overhaul effort of a corrupt and broken government. California voters would be given the opportunity to take the power back from the Sacramento bureaucrats ... but the wheels have been coming off this Reform Bus for weeks.

And two big wheels came off late last week when an initiative to "re-regulate" the power companies to help avoid rolling blackouts was ordered removed from the ballot by a California judge just one day after another judge stripped from the ballot the Governor's initiative to overhaul redistricting - seen by many as the key initiative of the election.

Two devastating hits in as many days. The heat wave won't be subsiding any time soon for Arnold.

If the 2008 Republican presidential primary were held today, whom would you support if the candidates are:
George Allen
Jeb Bush
Bill Frist
Newt Gingrich
Rudy Giuliani
Chuck Hagel
John McCain
Bill Owens
George Pataki
Condoleezza Rice
Mitt Romney
Rick Santorum
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