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Monday, March 28, 2005

Ah, it's good to be an Iowan!

The Associate Press today writes about the courting already under way of key Iowan political figures by both Republican and Democrat presidential hopefuls.

For instance, "when Iowa Senate Republican leader Stewart Iverson found himself in Washington without a seat for the inaugural parade, New York Gov. George Pataki's staff produced tickets to a parade-watching party and an invitation to lunch.

'Those tickets came right away,' Iverson said."

If the 2008 Republican presidential primary were held today, whom would you support if the candidates are:
George Allen
Jeb Bush
Bill Frist
Newt Gingrich
Rudy Giuliani
Chuck Hagel
John McCain
Bill Owens
George Pataki
Condoleezza Rice
Mitt Romney
Rick Santorum
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